1) Subscribe a newsgroups: this is beacuse you can send news only to subscribed news (this not oblige you the fetch news of subscribed newsgroup because you can only "Send Reply" and after unscribe undesired newsgroups"
2) Click on "Reply" button: so go go to the Reply Environment.
3) When you are on the reply environment click on "New Reply" button.
4) Now you are on the reply card and you should click on the "Newsgroups:" field so you obtain the list of newsgroups where you can send your news.
5) Click on the desired newsgroups to choose the newsgroups where to send the reply/news.
6) Now you can write your news.
7) All reply/news you have wrote will be sent the next time you call your InterNet provider or when you "Check News" or when you "Send Reply"
• Send Reply: only send you reply or news you wrote.
• Check News: first send you reply or news you wrote (if there are) and after fetch your news from subscribed newsgroups.
• FOR INFO about "Followup-To" or "Reply-To" use balloon help.